Kelsey and Patrick // A San Diego Brewery Engagement Session

I met Kelsey and Patrick a couple years ago just before Patrick deployed and they wanted to do a fun photoshoot. It was a little inside joke between us that I used the photos from that session to advertise engagement sessions even though they weren't engaged yet. Thats okay though right? Two people in love being a cute and stuff works!

When we ended that shoot I thought to myself, "Yeah, I like these people and I want to be their friend." and, well, we're still friends so I think it worked out in my favor!

Since then, I have photographed a few different events in their lives that I'm basically their personal photographer now and I'm totally okay with that because.... you'll see why. Now I don't have to pretend that I shot their engagements because I finally have! Fancy outfits + Beer + A cute couple=a winning combination.