Say Cheese! // Family Photos and Why You Want Them // Long Beach Family Photographer
Say Cheese! Smile at the camera! Oh no! There is a squirrel on my head! Do I see a spider on my camera?! Who’s your favorite Disney Princess? If you smile, I’ll show you a surprise! Don’t let mom tickle you! Whatever you do, DO NOT SMILE! (secretly hoping reverse psychology works)
You’ve heard it and you’ve probably said it. That right. Its family photo time. Time to coordinate those outfits and get that perfect (or not so perfect) photo that will be shared with all your family and friends in the form of holiday cards. Honestly, though, yearly family photos are so important to me. Sure, we are going to get a great photo for your holiday card but I want these photos to be more than just that. I want you to print these photos out and hang them around the house all year long. I want grandma and grandpa to show off their adorable grandkids to all their friends. I want you to be able to see how your kids have grown and changed over the years. I want your kids to look back and see how great their parents looked and the crazy outfit mom picked out (because let’s be real, that’s our jobs as moms). Some of my most cherished images are the ones of my whole family together. When I met my husband, he invited me to be in his entire family photo that year after only 4 months of dating. (When you know, you know I guess! He doesn’t like to waste time!) That was and still is one of my favorite traditions they have. Since then, we have gained 2 in-laws and 5 grandkids. It warms my heart to see how they family grows each year and I know Goldie will love to see these photos someday when she is older too.
It can be a stressful time and sometimes chaotic but my goal is to make it super easy for you. Yes we are going to try to get that beautiful family portrait but sometimes that just doesn’t work out and that is OK! If your kids are anything like my Goldie, bugs, dirt and serious faces are life. Don’t try to tell her what to do because she is an woman. I want to capture your family and all their personalities. Silly, Serious, Happy, Loving, Shy. Whatever it is, I want to bring that out so that you can remember this year and all the wonderful moments. Is your kid super attached to his stuffed frog? This can be the year that you look back on photos and show them how much they loved that dirty, smelly frog (that they will probably still take with them to college and hide under their pillow).
Yup, Those are bribery M&Ms. I don’t normally like to negotiate with tiny terrorists but sometimes a little treat goes a long way.
Family photos are meant to be enjoyed and I will do everything I can to make it as stress free and fun for everyone as I can. If you have little ones (or big ones) mini sessions are a great way to get those photos without the full production especially if photos really aren’t their thing. Plus, they are the affordable option too!
I have a limited number still available before Christmas (and after Christmas if you don’t care about the holiday card but have been slacking on booking something.) Mini Session pricing is available up until the end of the year and then won’t be back until next fall so make sure you book now!
Send me an email here and lets get to posin’